Monday, September 15, 2008

Kris and I swore we wouldn't

buy video games for our kids, but last week we succumbed, folded, gave up, gave in. That's right, we broke down and bought a Wii. That's why I haven't written in the past 2 weeks...been too busy playing video games. Ok, not really, but we've been having a bunch of fun with it. Kailey and Jayden are pretty good at the bowling and I am working hard to master Mario Kart. It all started at Uli and Jeena's when we spent half the night playing. On the ride home, Kris and I decided it might be a good gift from Santa, so we pledged to start looking for one immediately. Next thing I knew, I walked in from work to a gift that read "Wii love you!" Of course we set it up that night, created our Miis, and the rest is history. Check back for pictures/videos. xoxo


  1. Wiiiiiiiii. I just hooked mine up to the internet (wireless of course) so when you are feeling tough enough at mario kart bring it on! We can play on-line like true nerds.

  2. Nice! We'll do it. I've managed not to come in last recently (gotta love playing with a 2-year old) so I may be ready soon!
